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database of chemical reactions
SPARQL service
SPARQL rdf ttl CSV tsv jsonld srx 3.35M Triples 2020-08-07

Select all Rhea reactions (unspecified direction), with "Approved" status

Select all approved reactions involving lipids (subclass of CHEBI:18059) based on the ChEBI ontology

Select all approved reactions using CHEBI:29985 (L-glutamate) as small molecule participant

Select all approved reactions using L-glutamate as small molecule participant, by exact InChIKey

Select all approved reactions using L-glutamate as small molecule participant, by partial InChIKey, allowing any charge

Select all approved reactions using L-glutamate (CHEBI:29985) AND L-glutamine (CHEBI:58359) in different reaction sides

Select all compounds and count their occurence in Rhea reactions

Select all approved reactions annotated with a given Pubmed ID (2460092)

Select all approved reactions with CHEBI:17815 (a 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol) or one of its descendant. Display the EC numbers if the rhea-ec link exists

Select all approved transport reactions

Select the child reaction(s) of a given reaction (RHEA:11628) in the Rhea hierarchy (using rdfs:subClassOf)

Select all cross-references (to KEGG, MetaCyc, MACiE, ...) for a given reaction (RHEA:11932)

Select the descendant reaction(s) of a given reaction (RHEA:11628) in the Rhea hierarchy (using rdfs:subClassOf+)

Retrieve the list of diseases involving human enzymes that metabolize cholesterol or cholesterol derivatives and the number of proteins involved (federated query using Rhea, IDSM/Sachem and UniProt)

Distribution of reactions according to the first level of enzyme classification (federated query)

Retrieve the list of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot human proteins that catalyze Rhea reactions involving cholesterol or cholesterol derivatives (federated query using Rhea, IDSM/Sachem and UniProt)

Retrieve the number of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot human enzymes that metabolize cholesterol or cholesterol derivatives and that are involved in diseases (federated query using Rhea, IDSM/Sachem and UniProt)

Select all approved reactions linked to a given EC number (EC

Retrieve the number of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot human enzymes that metabolize cholesterol or cholesterol derivatives (federated query using Rhea, IDSM/Sachem and UniProt)

Select children of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEBI hierarchy (using rdfs:subClassOf) used in Rhea reaction(s), and show the reaction(s)

Select children of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEBI hierarchy (using rdfs:subClassOf), used in Rhea reactions or not

Select all the descendants of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEBI hierarchy (using rdfs:subClassOf+) used in Rhea reaction(s), and show the reaction(s)

Select all the descendants of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEBI hierarchy (using rdfs:subClassOf+), used in Rhea reactions or not