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Average number of cross-references to the PDB database of UniProt entries
biology UniProt

Select the average number of cross-references to the PDB database of UniProt entries that have at least one cross-reference to the PDB database
Co-occurence count of Topological Domain comment text in UniProtKB entries
biology UniProt

Find the co-occurence count of Topological Domain comment text in UniProtKB entries
Comment text associated with a UniProtKB Natural Variant Annotation
biology Japanese UniProt

Find longest comment text associated with a UniProtKB Natural Variant Annotation

Common prefixes
Connect patents cited in UniProtKB with those in the patent database at EPO
biology EPO patent UniProt

Connect patents cited in UniProtKB with those in the patent database at EPO via publication number.
Cross-references to external databases of the category '3D structure databases' of UniProt entries
biology UniProt

Select all cross-references to external databases of the category '3D structure databases' of UniProt entries that are classified with the keyword 'Acetoin biosynthesis (KW-0005)'