
Share, discover and reuse the Linked Data has never been easier with a LinkedWiki Platform.


Reuse these data in your code

Query, endpoint and code for reusing the same data
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef "en" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label
Howto write a query SPARQL? (in French)
{{#sparql:PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef "en" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label
| endpoint =
| chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable
| options=
| log=2
Howto install LinkedWiki in my wiki? Howto insert this graph in my wiki?
Test this script in a new tab.
        <script src=""  async></script>
    <body onload="testQuery();">
function testQuery(){
    var endpoint = "";
    var query = `PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef \"en\" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label`;

   // $('#bodyContentResearch').append(queryDataset);
                url: endpoint,
                dataType: 'json',
                data: {
                    queryLn: 'SPARQL',
                    query: query ,
                    limit: 'none',
                    infer: 'true',
                    Accept: 'application/sparql-results+json'
                success: displayResult,
                error: displayError

function displayError(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {

function displayResult(data) {
    $.each(data.results.bindings, function(index, bs) {
        $("body").append(JSON.stringify(bs) + "<hr/>");

Test this script in a new tab.
        <script src=""  async></script>
    <body onload="testQuery();">
function testQuery(){
    var url = new URL("");
    var params = {query:`PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef \"en\" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label`}; = new URLSearchParams(params).toString();

    var myHeaders = new Headers();
    myHeaders.append("Accept", "application/sparql-results+json");

    var requestOptions = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: myHeaders,
      redirect: 'follow'

    fetch(url, requestOptions)
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(result => displayResult(result))
        .catch(error => displayError(error));

function displayError(error) {

function displayResult(data) {
    data.results.bindings.forEach(bs => {
            $("body").append(JSON.stringify(bs) + "<hr/>");
Test this script in a new tab (Careful, several charts need a API key).
Howto insert this graph in my html page?
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

            crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>
     <script src="" integrity="sha384-UO2eT0CpHqdSJQ6hJty5KVphtPhzWj9WO1clHTMGa3JDZwrnQq4sF86dIHNDz0W1" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>
     <script src="" integrity="sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>

     <script type="text/javascript" src="" defer> </script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src=""  defer > </script>
<body style="margin:0;">
<div id="sgvzl_example_query"
   data-sgvizler-query="PREFIX dc: &lt;;
PREFIX dcterms: &lt;;
PREFIX dsv: &lt;;
PREFIX owl: &lt;;
PREFIX sd: &lt;;
PREFIX sh: &lt;;
PREFIX skos: &lt;;
PREFIX xhv: &lt;;
PREFIX zbwext: &lt;;

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef &quot;en&quot; )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    &amp;&amp; lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    &amp;&amp; lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label"
    style='width:100%; height:auto;'

/*$(function() {
       // Google Api key
       googleApiKey : "GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY",
       // OpenStreetMap Access Token
       osmAccessToken : "OSM_MAP_API_KEY"

from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON

sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")
    PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef "en" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label""")
results = sparql.query().convert()

for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
Howto use SPARQL with Python ?
library(SPARQL) # SPARQL querying package

# Step 1 - Set up preliminaries and define query
# Define the endpoint
    endpoint <- ""
# create query statement
    query <- "PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef "en" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label"
# Step 2 - Use SPARQL package to submit query and save results to a data frame
qd <- SPARQL(endpoint,query,curl_args=list(useragent=R.version.string))
df <- qd$results
SPARQL with R in less than 5 minutes
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Install sparql for Ruby
#   gem update --system
#   gem install sparql
require 'sparql/client'

endpoint = ""
sparql = <<-EOT
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef "en" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label

#For Wikidata, the method get is required
#For other SPARQL endpoints, the method post is prefered
client =, :method => :get)
rows = client.query(sparql)

puts "Number of rows: #{rows.size}"
for row in rows
  for key,val in row do
    # print "#{key.to_s.ljust(10)}: #{val}\t"
    print "#{key}: #{val}\t"
  print "\n"
Doc Ruby for SPARQL 1.1
endpoint = '';

query = ['PREFIX dc: <> '...
'PREFIX dcterms: <> '...
'PREFIX dsv: <> '...
'PREFIX owl: <> '...
'PREFIX sd: <> '...
'PREFIX sh: <> '...
'PREFIX skos: <> '...
'PREFIX xhv: <> '...
'PREFIX zbwext: <> '...
' '...
'SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel) '...
'?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept '...
'WHERE { '...
'  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph { '...
'    # parameters '...
'    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) { '...
'      ( undef undef undef "en" ) '...
'    } '...
'    # get the current and the previous version as default versions '...
'    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion . '...
'    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion . '...
'    # select the versions to actually use '...
'    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected) '...
'    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected) '...
'    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs '...
'    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ; '...
'      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ; '...
'      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ; '...
'      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ; '...
'      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ; '...
'      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ; '...
'      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions . '...
'    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ; '...
'      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph . '...
'    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ; '...
'      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph . '...
'  } '...
'  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ... '...
'  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph { '...
'    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label . '...
'  } '...
'  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType) '...
'  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph { '...
'    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label . '...
'  } '...
'  # restrict to actual movements '...
'  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept) '...
'  # '...
'  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones '...
'    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph { '...
'      ?newConcept ?p [] . '...
'    } '...
'  } '...
'  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph { '...
'    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel . '...
'  } '...
'  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph { '...
'    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel . '...
'  } '...
'  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one '...
'  OPTIONAL { '...
'    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph { '...
'      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept '...
'      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept) '...
'    } '...
'  } '...
'  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language '...
'    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language '...
'    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language ) '...
'} '...
'ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label '];

url_head = strcat(endpoint,'?query=');
url_query = urlencode(query);
format = 'text/tab-separated-values';
url_tail = strcat('&format=', format);

url = strcat(url_head, url_query, url_tail);

% get the data from the endpoint
query_results = urlread(url);

% write the data to a file so that tdfread can parse it
fid = fopen('query_results.txt','w');
if fid>=0
    fprintf(fid, '%s\n', query_results)

% this reads the tsv file into a struct
sparql_data = tdfread('query_results.txt')
Project Github MatlabSPARQL
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use BorderCloud\SPARQL\SparqlClient;

$endpoint ="";
$sp_readonly = new SparqlClient();
$q = <<<EOD
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dsv: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sh: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xhv: <>
PREFIX zbwext: <>

SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel)
?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept
  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph {
    # parameters
    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) {
      ( undef undef undef "en" )
    # get the current and the previous version as default versions
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion .
    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion .
    # select the versions to actually use
    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected)
    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected)
    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs
    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ;
      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ;
      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ;
      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ;
      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions .
    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph .
    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ;
      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph .
  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ...
  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType)
  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label .
  # restrict to actual movements
  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept)
  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones
    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
      ?newConcept ?p [] .
  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph {
    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel .
  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel .
  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one
    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph {
      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept
      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept)
  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language
    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language
    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language )
ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label
$rows = $sp_readonly->query($q, 'rows');
$err = $sp_readonly->getErrors();
if ($err) {
      throw new Exception(print_r($err, true));

foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
        echo '|';
 echo "\n";

foreach ($rows["result"]["rows"] as $row) {
        foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
            printf("%-20.20s", $row[$variable]);
            echo '|';
        echo "\n";
Project Github BorderCloud/SPARQL
import com.bordercloud.sparql.*;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            URI endpoint = new URI("");
            String querySelect  = "PREFIX dc: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX dcterms: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX dsv: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX owl: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX sd: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX sh: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX skos: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX xhv: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX zbwext: <> \n"
                    + " \n"
                    + "SELECT distinct ?oldConcept (str(?oldPrefLabel) as ?oldConceptLabel) (str(?label) AS ?movedLabel) \n"
                    + "?newConcept (str(?newPrefLabel) as ?newConceptLabel) ?isSubconcept \n"
                    + "WHERE { \n"
                    + "  GRAPH ?versionHistoryGraph { \n"
                    + "    # parameters \n"
                    + "    VALUES ( ?versionHistoryGraph ?oldVersion ?newVersion ?language ) { \n"
                    + "      ( undef undef undef \"en\" ) \n"
                    + "    } \n"
                    + "    # get the current and the previous version as default versions \n"
                    + "    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/xhv:prev/dc:identifier ?previousVersion . \n"
                    + "    ?versionset dsv:currentVersionRecord/dc:identifier ?latestVersion . \n"
                    + "    # select the versions to actually use \n"
                    + "    BIND(coalesce(?oldVersion, ?previousVersion) AS ?oldVersionSelected) \n"
                    + "    BIND(coalesce(?newVersion, ?latestVersion) AS ?newVersionSelected) \n"
                    + "    # get the delta and via that the relevant graphs \n"
                    + "    ?delta a sh:SchemeDelta ; \n"
                    + "      sh:deltaFrom/dc:identifier ?oldVersionSelected ; \n"
                    + "      sh:deltaTo/dc:identifier ?newVersionSelected ; \n"
                    + "      sh:deltaFrom/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?oldVersionGraph ; \n"
                    + "      sh:deltaTo/sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?newVersionGraph ; \n"
                    + "      dcterms:hasPart ?insertions ; \n"
                    + "      dcterms:hasPart ?deletions . \n"
                    + "    ?insertions a sh:SchemeDeltaInsertions ; \n"
                    + "      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?insertionsGraph . \n"
                    + "    ?deletions a sh:SchemeDeltaDeletions ; \n"
                    + "      sh:usingNamedGraph/sd:name ?deletionsGraph . \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  # get deleted labels (in all languages) ... \n"
                    + "  GRAPH ?deletionsGraph { \n"
                    + "    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label . \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  # ... which have been moved to another concept (or perhaps have got another labelType) \n"
                    + "  GRAPH ?insertionsGraph { \n"
                    + "    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel | skos:altLabel ?label . \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  # restrict to actual movements \n"
                    + "  FILTER (?oldConcept != ?newConcept) \n"
                    + "  # \n"
                    + "  # restrict target concepts to newly inserted ones \n"
                    + "  FILTER NOT EXISTS { \n"
                    + "    GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph { \n"
                    + "      ?newConcept ?p [] . \n"
                    + "    } \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  GRAPH ?oldVersionGraph { \n"
                    + "    ?oldConcept skos:prefLabel ?oldPrefLabel . \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  GRAPH ?newVersionGraph { \n"
                    + "    ?newConcept skos:prefLabel ?newPrefLabel . \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  # flag if the new concept is directly sub-ordinated to the old one \n"
                    + "  OPTIONAL { \n"
                    + "    GRAPH ?newVersionGraph { \n"
                    + "      ?oldConcept skos:narrower ?newConcept \n"
                    + "      BIND (true AS ?isSubconcept) \n"
                    + "    } \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  FILTER (lang(?label) = ?language \n"
                    + "    && lang(?oldPrefLabel) = ?language \n"
                    + "    && lang(?newPrefLabel) = ?language ) \n"
                    + "} \n"
                    + "ORDER BY ?newPrefLabel ?label \n";
            SparqlClient sc = new SparqlClient(false);
            SparqlResult sr = sc.query(querySelect);

        } catch (URISyntaxException | SparqlClientException e) {

    public static void printResult(SparqlResultModel rs , int size) {
        for (String variable : rs.getVariables()) {
            System.out.print(String.format("%-"+size+"."+size+"s", variable ) + " | ");
        for (HashMap row : rs.getRows()) {
            for (String variable : rs.getVariables()) {
                System.out.print(String.format("%-"+size+"."+size+"s", row.get(variable)) + " | ");
For example, with Gradle :
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'

// This comes out to package + '.' + mainClassName
mainClassName = 'Main'

group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

repositories {
dependencies {
    compile "com.bordercloud:SPARQL-JAVA:[1.0,)"
Project Github BorderCloud/SPARQL-JAVA
Other SPARQL client : RDF4J
You can use the SPARQL clients in Java : BorderCloud/SPARQL-JAVA or RDF4J