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PRO provides an ontological representation of protein-related entities by explicitly defining them and showing the relationships between them. Each PRO term represents a distinct class of entities ranging from the taxon-neutral to the taxon-specific.
SPARQL service
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Sample Queries
HTML 5 2020-08-06

Federated query with UniProt SPARQL endpoint

Federated Query: get all PRO human genes whose uniprot counterpart has variants with loss of function implicated in disease.

Federated Query: get all PRO human genes whose uniprot counterpart has variants with gain of function implicated in disease.

The following query finds all PRO terms that pertain to products of the mouse Ctnnb1 gene, denoted by MGI:88276. To retrieve the analogous list for a different gene of interest, please substitute MGI:88276 with the relevant database prefix (selected from the first PREFIX block below), along with a precise identifier. For example, to get all PRO terms relevant to human NCOA3, replace MGI:88276 with HGNC:7670 on the VALUES line (first indented line within the WHERE block), or to get those relevant to fission yeast hht3, replace with PomBase:SPBC1105.11c.

The following query will retrieve all PRO terms that represent acetylated proteins. More precisely, the results will be terms and that contain the word "acetylated" that are also categorized as modified. To search for other types of modifications, substitute a modification of interest on the VALUES line (first indented line within the WHERE block).

Please note: the quotes are required.

Examples: phosphorylated methylated ubiquitinated sumoylated glycosylated

The following query will retrieve information pertaining to the gene that encodes what will ultimately become cyclin-dependent kinase 1 phosphorylated 1 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe), PRO term PR:000045540.
To find the analogous gene (if any) for a term of interest, substitute the appropriate PRO identifier for PR:000045540 on the VALUES line within the WHERE block.