
Partager, découvrir et réutiliser les données liées n'a jamais été aussi facile avec une plateforme LinkedWiki.


Réutilisez ces données dans votre code

Requête, point d'accès et code permettant de réutiliser les mêmes données
PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), '#') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel
Comment écrire une requête SPARQL ?
{{#sparql:PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), '#') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel
| endpoint =
| chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable
| options=
| log=2
Comment installer LinkedWiki dans mon wiki ? Comment insérer ce graphique dans mon wiki ?
Tester ce script dans un nouvel onglet.
        <script src=""  async></script>
    <body onload="testQuery();">
function testQuery(){
    var endpoint = "";
    var query = `PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading \"Wirtschaftswissenschaftler\"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading \"Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin\"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), \'#\') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel`;

   // $('#bodyContentResearch').append(queryDataset);
                url: endpoint,
                dataType: 'json',
                data: {
                    queryLn: 'SPARQL',
                    query: query ,
                    limit: 'none',
                    infer: 'true',
                    Accept: 'application/sparql-results+json'
                success: displayResult,
                error: displayError

function displayError(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {

function displayResult(data) {
    $.each(data.results.bindings, function(index, bs) {
        $("body").append(JSON.stringify(bs) + "<hr/>");

Tester ce script dans un nouvel onglet.
        <script src=""  async></script>
    <body onload="testQuery();">
function testQuery(){
    var url = new URL("");
    var params = {query:`PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading \"Wirtschaftswissenschaftler\"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading \"Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin\"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), \'#\') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel`}; = new URLSearchParams(params).toString();

    var myHeaders = new Headers();
    myHeaders.append("Accept", "application/sparql-results+json");

    var requestOptions = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: myHeaders,
      redirect: 'follow'

    fetch(url, requestOptions)
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(result => displayResult(result))
        .catch(error => displayError(error));

function displayError(error) {

function displayResult(data) {
    data.results.bindings.forEach(bs => {
            $("body").append(JSON.stringify(bs) + "<hr/>");
Tester ce script dans un nouvel onglet (attention, plusieurs graphiques nécessitent une clé API).
Comment insérer ce graphique dans ma page HTML ?
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

            crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>
     <script src="" integrity="sha384-UO2eT0CpHqdSJQ6hJty5KVphtPhzWj9WO1clHTMGa3JDZwrnQq4sF86dIHNDz0W1" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>
     <script src="" integrity="sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>

     <script type="text/javascript" src="" defer> </script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src=""  defer > </script>
<body style="margin:0;">
<div id="sgvzl_example_query"
   data-sgvizler-query="PREFIX gndo:    &lt;;
PREFIX rdfs: &lt;;
PREFIX skos: &lt;;
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading &quot;Wirtschaftswissenschaftler&quot;
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading &quot;Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin&quot;
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), &#039;#&#039;) as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel"
    style='width:100%; height:auto;'

/*$(function() {
       // Google Api key
       googleApiKey : "GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY",
       // OpenStreetMap Access Token
       osmAccessToken : "OSM_MAP_API_KEY"

from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON

sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")
    PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), '#') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel""")
results = sparql.query().convert()

for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
Howto use SPARQL with Python ?
library(SPARQL) # SPARQL querying package

# Step 1 - Set up preliminaries and define query
# Define the endpoint
    endpoint <- ""
# create query statement
    query <- "PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), '#') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel"
# Step 2 - Use SPARQL package to submit query and save results to a data frame
qd <- SPARQL(endpoint,query,curl_args=list(useragent=R.version.string))
df <- qd$results
SPARQL with R in less than 5 minutes
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Install sparql for Ruby
#   gem update --system
#   gem install sparql
require 'sparql/client'

endpoint = ""
sparql = <<-EOT
PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), '#') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel

#For Wikidata, the method get is required
#For other SPARQL endpoints, the method post is prefered
client =, :method => :get)
rows = client.query(sparql)

puts "Number of rows: #{rows.size}"
for row in rows
  for key,val in row do
    # print "#{key.to_s.ljust(10)}: #{val}\t"
    print "#{key}: #{val}\t"
  print "\n"
Doc Ruby for SPARQL 1.1
endpoint = '';

query = ['PREFIX gndo:    <> '...
'PREFIX rdfs: <> '...
'PREFIX skos: <> '...
'# '...
'select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel '...
'where { '...
'  { '...
'    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler" '...
'  } union { '...
'    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin" '...
'  } . '...
'  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ; '...
'    gndo:affiliation ?corp . '...
'  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel . '...
'  # '...
'  # area code sometimes missing '...
'  optional { '...
'    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area . '...
'    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset '...
'    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel . '...
'    bind(strafter(str(?area), '#') as ?areaLabel) '...
'  } '...
'  # '...
'  # places sometimes missing '...
'  optional { '...
'    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location . '...
'    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel . '...
'  } '...
'} '...
'order by ?corpLabel '];

url_head = strcat(endpoint,'?query=');
url_query = urlencode(query);
format = 'text/tab-separated-values';
url_tail = strcat('&format=', format);

url = strcat(url_head, url_query, url_tail);

% get the data from the endpoint
query_results = urlread(url);

% write the data to a file so that tdfread can parse it
fid = fopen('query_results.txt','w');
if fid>=0
    fprintf(fid, '%s\n', query_results)

% this reads the tsv file into a struct
sparql_data = tdfread('query_results.txt')
Project Github MatlabSPARQL
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use BorderCloud\SPARQL\SparqlClient;

$endpoint ="";
$sp_readonly = new SparqlClient();
$q = <<<EOD
PREFIX gndo:    <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel
where {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler"
  } union {
    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading "Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin"
  } .
  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ;
    gndo:affiliation ?corp .
  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel .
  # area code sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area .
    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset
    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel .
    bind(strafter(str(?area), '#') as ?areaLabel)
  # places sometimes missing
  optional {
    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location .
    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel .
order by ?corpLabel
$rows = $sp_readonly->query($q, 'rows');
$err = $sp_readonly->getErrors();
if ($err) {
      throw new Exception(print_r($err, true));

foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
        echo '|';
 echo "\n";

foreach ($rows["result"]["rows"] as $row) {
        foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
            printf("%-20.20s", $row[$variable]);
            echo '|';
        echo "\n";
Project Github BorderCloud/SPARQL
import com.bordercloud.sparql.*;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            URI endpoint = new URI("");
            String querySelect  = "PREFIX gndo:    <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX rdfs: <> \n"
                    + "PREFIX skos: <> \n"
                    + "# \n"
                    + "select distinct ?corp ?corpLabel ?area ?areaLabel ?location ?locationLabel \n"
                    + "where { \n"
                    + "  { \n"
                    + "    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading \"Wirtschaftswissenschaftler\" \n"
                    + "  } union { \n"
                    + "    ?subjectHeading gndo:preferredNameForTheSubjectHeading \"Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin\" \n"
                    + "  } . \n"
                    + "  ?person gndo:professionOrOccupation ?subjectHeading ; \n"
                    + "    gndo:affiliation ?corp . \n"
                    + "  ?corp gndo:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody ?corpLabel . \n"
                    + "  # \n"
                    + "  # area code sometimes missing \n"
                    + "  optional { \n"
                    + "    ?corp gndo:geographicAreaCode ?area . \n"
                    + "    # area code seems to be missing in the GND dataset \n"
                    + "    ##?area skos:prefLabel ?areaLabel . \n"
                    + "    bind(strafter(str(?area), \'#\') as ?areaLabel) \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "  # \n"
                    + "  # places sometimes missing \n"
                    + "  optional { \n"
                    + "    ?corp gndo:placeOfBusiness ?location . \n"
                    + "    ?location gndo:preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName ?locationLabel . \n"
                    + "  } \n"
                    + "} \n"
                    + "order by ?corpLabel \n";
            SparqlClient sc = new SparqlClient(false);
            SparqlResult sr = sc.query(querySelect);

        } catch (URISyntaxException | SparqlClientException e) {

    public static void printResult(SparqlResultModel rs , int size) {
        for (String variable : rs.getVariables()) {
            System.out.print(String.format("%-"+size+"."+size+"s", variable ) + " | ");
        for (HashMap row : rs.getRows()) {
            for (String variable : rs.getVariables()) {
                System.out.print(String.format("%-"+size+"."+size+"s", row.get(variable)) + " | ");
For example, with Gradle :
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'

// This comes out to package + '.' + mainClassName
mainClassName = 'Main'

group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

repositories {
dependencies {
    compile "com.bordercloud:SPARQL-JAVA:[1.0,)"
Project Github BorderCloud/SPARQL-JAVA
Other SPARQL client : RDF4J
You can use the SPARQL clients in Java : BorderCloud/SPARQL-JAVA or RDF4J